
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2017

Short story after us.

There are some things that are better left forgotten for the sake of us in order to heal the cuts on our soul. I try to repeat that phrase to myself every day, I say it as a mantra to free my inner person. However, I am pretty sure that it doesn't matter the number of times I enunciate it: if I still don´t know the meaning of those words, none of them will feel valuable until I accept them. I tell everyone I am doing just fine when that's not how I feel. I don't want to keep deceiving this story. To be honest, it is exhausting. I want to heal all my wounds, enjoy life and recover from the past that already fell apart. I usually write about "moving on'' to say the things that run through my mind along to the never-ending promises I make to myself. Nonetheless, today I am done with you. I still can remember how I started to fall in love with you. It was so absurd, I tried to keep myself from going too deep into you, I knew it wasn´t safe to go that far so q